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Owner Tony De Feria will gladly answer any of your automotive questions.
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Three years ago  I decided to try to do something I’ve always wanted to do: Sell cars!


I found out I could become an auto broker.


An auto broker is a licensed auto dealer but usually without a lot.


As a broker, I can source any type of vehicle at dealer only auctions across the country. So I'm not beholden to any brand.


This allows me to source and qualify cars and trucks by geography, which helps with best pricing.


But then I thought about how I could set myself apart.


So I identified three areas where people can use help when looking for their next ride:


— Can I relieve the tension and mysery of car shopping?


— Can I guarantee a car has not been in accident?


— And I can save them money and still make a living?


The answer is yes, yes and yes.


I’ll take them behind the dealer only wall, they’ll see how I background check vehicles and show them how ultimately, they’ll save approximately $1500 over a traditional dealer.


The’ll also gain something even more valuable: Precious time. And lose something we all want to lose:  Stress!


I’m Tony De Feria, owner of Executive Auto Brokerage. Call or text me  today and I'll explain why it makes sense to use my services on your next vehicle. purchase. 

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